Land brood


Spelt bloem, spelt volkoren, desem, water, zeezout.


Country bread is our classic bread. It’s essentially a sourdough, but it’s got that little extra through a touch of whole wheat spelt and rye flour.

Some bakers only use bread flour, but we think adding these two is what makes this bread special. Although the process won’t take much effort, it does need a little patience. Yet, the wonderfully flavorful loaf is most definitely worth the waiting.

This is a bread you’ll find all across France. It used to be made in large loaves, baked in a communal bakery, to then feed a family over a number of days. Over time, baguettes took over in popularity, but country bread has made a comeback with the interest in artisan baking.

This bread is a little more savory than the others, with a complex flavor and rustic appearance. The use of the sourdough starter contributes to this wonderful flavor.

In other words, it is an everyday loaf with a character of its own.


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